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Morris-Shea Project Component:
DeWaal Drilled Displacement Piles

Morris-Shea, a leading deep foundation contractor, constructed approximately 2000 DeWaal Drilled Displacement Piles as resort deep foundation installation for five highrise towers at a new themepark resort complex in Orlando, Florida. Conventional augercast piles were recommended in the original specifications for the hotel towers’ deep foundations. The Morris-Shea team worked with the general contractor/engineer to redesign the foundation utilizing DeWaal pile, a Value Engineered Alternate system, for the towers that range up to 13 stories. Morris-Shea’s patented DeWaal Drilled Displacement Pile System successfully reduced project expense, improved load capacity and expedited job site scheduling by increasing production rates.

The DeWaal Pile System is a drilled, full displacement, cast-in-place concrete pile. It was installed at the Orlando resort site by powerful, fixed mast Fundex F3500 drill rigs capable of applying high rotational torque and crowd forces to the patented DeWaal tool. Installation of this deep foundation was performed in a single-pass process that densified the soil, improved shaft friction and increased load capacity. Morris-Shea’s DeWaal pile eliminated the expense associated with waste removal in conventional augercast applications and met or exceeded load strength requirements. DeWaal pile were ideal for installation in the soil profiles of this jobsite.

Morris-Shea performed more than a dozen 100-FT deep Cone Penetration Tests (CPT) per building to supplement the site-specific geotechnical report. The soil conditions consisted of fine sands with silt and clay. These subsurface conditions are well-suited for the installation of the DeWaal Drilled Displacement Pile System.

The DeWaal Pile System provides uncommon load strength and minimizes the contamination and disposal concerns of spoils brought to the surface by conventional augercast installations. DeWaal pile are installed with purpose-built equipment and exacting methods that ensure high quality deep foundations.

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